17 de agosto de 2020

Poem tribute for women's day

I pay tribute to all women in their day
Poemas a la mujer

(Arjona Delia)

To all women on this day [March 8th],
I render you this tribute:
for giving your blood,
for giving your life,
for fighting for the cause
– and being indefatigable.

Originators of Life,
your essence shines;
your soft, warm hands
like the sun in its rising.

You shelter us even before we are born,
give protection, well-being;
you are a fountain of purity and power,
of maternal love, of total dedication.

And when trouble surges,
women are fierce as a storm;
or they refresh your soul,
like the spring rain.

Like coffee on winter nights,
or fresh water when you’re parched,
women are your treasure,
providing loving care, peace and consolation.

What would we do if they were not here?!
There would be no Life in this World.
Spouses, mothers, companions and friends in the struggle:
Congratulations to every one of you on this day!

Todos los derechos reservados.
Copyright ©25 de Enero 2010 by Arjona Delia
Publicado en el libro "Una mujer, un mar en calma" de Arjona Delia

Esta licencia permite la redistribución, comercial y no comercial, siempre y cuando no sea alterada en lo absoluto dando crédito al autor. Attribution No Derivatives cc by-nd

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